Fox News Company: Overview , Facts and History


1. Fox News is the most-watched cable news channel in the United States. 2. Fox News was founded in 1996 by media mogul Rupert Murdoch. 3. Fox News has been the most-watched cable news channel for nearly 15 years. 4. Fox News has a viewership of 2.4 million viewers during prime-time. 5. Fox News is owned by the Fox Corporation, a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox. 6. Fox News is available in 85 million households across the United States. 7. Fox News has bureaus in Moscow, Rome, Jerusalem, and Jerusalem. 8. Fox News was the first cable news channel to provide live coverage of the September 11th attacks. 9. Fox News' tagline is 'Fair & Balanced'. 10. Fox News has a range of commentators including Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Megyn Kelly, and Greta Van Susteren. 11. Fox News also produces a range of shows including Hannity, The O'Reilly Factor, Fox & Friends, and The Five. 12. Fox News is available on cable, satellite, and streaming services in the United States. 13. Fox News has a conservative editorial stance. 14. Fox News has been criticized for its biased coverage of certain issues. 15. Fox News has the highest ratings of any cable news channel in the United States. 16. Fox News is the top-rated cable news channel in the 25-54 demographic. 17. Fox News is available in over 100 countries. 18. Fox News has been accused of using biased language in its reporting. 19. Fox News has been accused of promoting conspiracy theories. 20. Fox News has been criticized for its coverage of the Iraq War. 21. Fox News was the first cable news channel to use the term 'War on Terror'. 22. Fox News has been accused of promoting right-wing views. 23. Fox News has been accused of promoting racism. 24. Fox News was the first cable news channel to cover the 2000 election. 25. Fox News was the first cable news channel to cover the 2003 invasion of Iraq. 26. Fox News was the first cable news channel to report on the death of Osama Bin Laden. 27. Fox News has been accused of promoting false information. 28. Fox News has been accused of promoting Islamophobia. 29. Fox News has been accused of biased coverage of the Middle East. 30. Fox News is available in Spanish in the United States. 31. Fox News has been criticized for its coverage of the 2016 presidential election. 32. Fox News was the first cable news channel to report on the Trump-Russia collusion story. 33. Fox News was the first cable news channel to cover the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scandal. 34. Fox News was the first cable news channel to report on the Mueller investigation. 35. Fox News has been accused of providing a platform for right-wing extremism. 36. Fox News has been accused of promoting racism and sexism. 37. Fox News is headquartered in New York City. 38. Fox News has been accused of promoting lies and misinformation. 39. Fox News has been accused of using fear-mongering tactics. 40. Fox News has been accused of promoting white supremacy. 41. Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. 42. Fox News has been accused of promoting Donald Trump's agenda. 43. Fox News has been accused of being a propaganda arm of the Republican Party. 44. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-Israel agenda. 45. Fox News has been accused of promoting the 'War on Terror'. 46. Fox News has been accused of promoting xenophobia. 47. Fox News has been accused of promoting a climate change denial agenda. 48. Fox News has been accused of promoting conspiracy theories. 49. Fox News has been accused of promoting a conservative political agenda. 50. Fox News has been accused of promoting hate speech. 51. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-immigrant agenda. 52. Fox News has been accused of promoting anti-LGBTQ sentiment. 53. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-science agenda. 54. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-gun agenda. 55. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-business agenda. 56. Fox News has been accused of promoting Islamophobia. 57. Fox News has been accused of promoting racism and sexism. 58. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-Israel agenda. 59. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-Trump agenda. 60. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-environment agenda. 61. Fox News has been accused of promoting fake news. 62. Fox News has been accused of promoting conspiracy theories. 63. Fox News has been accused of promoting racism and sexism. 64. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-Trump agenda. 65. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-immigrant agenda. 66. Fox News has been accused of promoting Islamophobia. 67. Fox News has been accused of promoting anti-LGBTQ sentiment. 68. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-science agenda. 69. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-gun agenda. 70. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-business agenda. 71. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-Israel agenda. 72. Fox News has been accused of promoting fake news. 73. Fox News has been accused of promoting a fear-mongering agenda. 74. Fox News has been accused of promoting a climate change denial agenda. 75. Fox News has been accused of promoting a right-wing agenda. 76. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-war agenda. 77. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-oil agenda. 78. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-government agenda. 79. Fox News has been accused of promoting a corporate agenda. 80. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-choice agenda. 81. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-police agenda. 82. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-rich agenda. 83. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-military agenda. 84. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-Trump agenda. 85. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-Israel agenda. 86. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-Muslim agenda. 87. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-Wall Street agenda. 88. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-business agenda. 89. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-union agenda. 90. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-gun agenda. 91. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-military industrial complex agenda. 92. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-police state agenda. 93. Fox News has been accused of promoting a white supremacist agenda. 94. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-environment agenda. 95. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-big business agenda. 96. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-immigrant agenda. 97. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-oil agenda. 98. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-business agenda. 99. Fox News has been accused of promoting an anti-choice agenda. 100. Fox News has been accused of promoting a pro-war agenda.

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