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2. All users must be over the age of 13. 3. The blog website reserves the right to remove any content that it deems inappropriate, offensive, or otherwise in violation of these terms. 4. Users must not post or share any content that is defamatory, libelous, hateful, threatening, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate. 5. Users must not use the blog website to promote or market any goods or services. 6. Users must not post any links to malicious websites or other content that may be damaging to the blog website or its users. 7. Users must not use the blog website to harass, intimidate, or otherwise abuse other users. 8. Users must not use the blog website to engage in any illegal activity. 9. Users must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the blog website or its servers. 10. Users must not post any content that is intended to deceive or mislead other users. 11. Users must not use the blog website to advertise, solicit, or otherwise promote any goods or services. 12. Users must not use the blog website for any commercial purposes without the express written consent of the blog website. 13. Users must not use the blog website to transmit any viruses, malware, or other malicious code. 14. Users must not use the blog website to post any content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of any other party. 15. Users must not use the blog website to post any content that violates the privacy or security of any other party. 16. Users must not use the blog website to engage in any activity that is deemed to be defamatory or libelous. 17. The blog website reserves the right to terminate any users access to the blog website for any reason, without prior notice.