How did India Fight with Corona virus?


1. India imposed one of the worlds strictest lockdowns, restricting the movement of 1.3 billion people and effectively bringing the country to a standstill.

2. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a $22 billion economic package to help the poor and migrant workers affected by the lockdown. 3. The government enforced a nation-wide curfew and shut down all public transport services, except for essential services. 4. The government also set up more than 1,000 quarantine and isolation facilities and set up more than a dozen dedicated Corona virus hospitals. 5. The government launched an Aarogya Setu mobile application, which helps people track their health and the risk of being exposed to COVID-19. 6. India conducted the worlds largest testing drive and over 90 million tests have been conducted to date. 7. The Indian government also introduced a contact-tracing app, which is used to detect potential cases and contact people who have been in close contact with them. 8. A total of 1.2 million health workers were deployed in various states across the country to provide medical care to those affected by the virus. 9. The government has set up more than 11,000 isolation beds and more than 1,500 ICU beds to take care of those affected by the infection. 10. India is the first country to introduce theTika Utsav, a four-day mass vaccination drive to vaccinate the most vulnerable sections of society. 11. The government has launched several initiatives to boost the production of vaccines, including theMake in India program, to ensure that enough vaccines are available for everyone. 12. The government also announced aVaccine Maitri initiative, which provides free vaccines to needy countries. 13. The government has also launched aVaccine Passport to allow citizens to travel abroad. 14. India is the first country in the world to have successfully conducted a clinical trial of the worlds first and only indigenous COVID-19 vaccine, Covaxin. 15. The government has also launched theAarogya Setu App, which provides real-time updates on the latest COVID-19 cases in the country. 16. The government has also launched an online platform calledAarogya Setu IVRS, which provides information on the availability of medical facilities and the nearest vaccination centres. 17. The government has also launched theJan Aushadhi scheme, which provides affordable medicines and medical supplies to those affected by the virus. 18. The government has also launched theCOVID-19 Vaccine Tracker, which keeps track of the progress of the vaccination drive. 19. The government has also launched theCOVID-19 Helpline, which provides free telephonic advice to those affected by the virus. 20. The government has also launched theCOVID-19 e-pass, which allows citizens to travel between states. 21. India has also launched aCOVID-19 Response Fund, which provides financial assistance to those affected by the virus. 22. The government has also launched theAyushman Bharat scheme, which provides free health care to the poor. 23. India is also the first country to introduce theCovid-19 Tracker, which tracks the spread of the virus in the country. 24. India has also set up more than 1,000 labs to test for the virus. 25. The government has also launched theCOVID-19 Diagnostic Kit, which helps in the early detection of the virus. 26. The government has also launched thePM Jan Arogya Yojana, which provides free health care to the poor and vulnerable. 27. The government has also launched thePM Cares Fund, which provides financial assistance to those affected by the virus. 28. India has also launched thePM Cares Digital Dashboard, which provides real-time updates on the situation of the virus in the country. 29. The government has also launched thePM Cares Testing Kit, which helps in the early detection of the virus. 30. The government has also launched thePM Cares App, which provides information on the availability of medical facilities and the nearest vaccination centres. 31. India has also launched thePM Cares Virtual Assistance, which provides free telephonic advice to those affected by the virus. 32. The government has also launched theCovid-19 Care App, which helps people keep track of their health and the risk of being exposed to the virus. 33. The government has also launched thePM Cares Online Portal, which provides information on the availability of medical facilities and the nearest vaccination centres. 34. The government has also launched thePM Cares Relief Fund, which provides financial assistance to those affected by the virus. 35. The government has also launched thePM Cares Home Delivery Service, which provides essential items such as food and medicines to those affected by the virus. 36. The government has also launched thePM Cares Home Health Care, which provides medical care to those affected by the virus. 37. India has also launched thePM Cares Online Education, which provides online classes to those affected by the virus. 38. The government has also launched thePM Cares Online Banking, which provides digital banking services to those affected by the virus. 39. The government has also launched thePM Cares Jobs, which provides employment opportunities to those affected by the virus. 40. The government has also launched thePM Cares Co-operative Scheme, which provides financial assistance to small businesses affected by the virus. 41. The government has also launched thePM Cares Pension Scheme, which provides pension to those affected by the virus. 42. The government has also launched thePM Cares Insurance Scheme, which provides insurance coverage to those affected by the virus. 43. The government has also launched thePM Cares Telemedicine, which provides medical advice to those affected by the virus. 44. The government has also launched thePM Cares Digital Wallet, which provides digital payments to those affected by the virus. 45. The government has also launched thePM Cares Smart Health ID, which provides medical records to those affected by the virus. 46. The government has also launched thePM Cares Helpline, which provides free telephonic advice to those affected by the virus. 47. The government has also launched thePM Cares Fund for Micro-Enterprises, which provides financial assistance to small businesses affected by the virus. 48. The government has also launched thePM Cares Financial Assistance to Street Vendors, which provides financial assistance to street vendors affected by the virus. 49. The government has also launched thePM Cares Financial Assistance to Farmers, which provides financial assistance to farmers affected by the virus. 50. The government has also launched thePM Cares Financial Assistance to Small Traders, which provides financial assistance to small traders affected by the virus.

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